I can not think of anything more physically and mentally exhausting as a marathon. The many late nights running many miles can lead to physical torture crowd. Marathon runners are susceptible to multiple injuries, shin splints most common.
Shin splints are painful injuries to the front of the outside leg. No one is completely sure what the exact injury is shin splints usually from inflammation of the peroneal tendons and connective tissue in the back of the front of the resultthe outside leg.
The avoid injury
Of course, the best way to complete your education would not be bad! Every runner will tell you something, is not always so easy to achieve. Start exercising slowly build your strength standards. Too many people try to bite off more than they can handle by too fast too far. Your body needs rest, not try to be Superman. It 'really just to rest.
Knowing when you are injured
Your body tells you whenStop, do not ignore. If you feel any pain, take some time away from your train and check it out. Ignoring these signs can lead to serious injury, that your progress and goals will sideline. Everyone thinks they are invincible, but to revise the old adage of pain is very bad advice. There's always tomorrow.
Take care of injuries
Once you feel an injury, so take care of right away. I ice it! Icing sore spots, it decreases the probability ofmuch further violations. A perfect complement to the ice is a good pain medication to reduce swelling. Child, the wound until you are ready to start training again, or regret it. If walking is becoming a little 'too much to go in the elliptical machine, cycling or swimming. Maintain as much as possible, when there is pain.
Consult a doctor!
If my beloved ice cream is not going to take issue with your doctor and find out exactly what is wrong. Your physical therapist can betterFriend when they hurt. Their exercises and practices you can not run fast to avoid the pros.
Exit Only
Ok, so I do not recommend this often, but when you are hurt bad enough that we can not continue to quit. By following the simple steps above will help to overcome the season and help complement the big race.