As Hitler clearly outlined his plans in Mein Kampf (and furiously put them into practice his first opportunity), the United Nations passed a resolution in 1947, threatening the fate of Jerusalem: UN Resolution 181 calls for the holy city status present an "international city". This is a glorified term for enemy occupation!
The Vatican was behind this vile idea and persuaded them to support the political puppet. Jesuit-fascists were put on hold, patientlyUnderground work, such as diving and unaware, in the spring of their grand design of a world: Germany Fourth Reich - the revival of the so-called Holy Roman Empire!
Captive Jerusalem - hostage to foreign ideas and foreign restrictions - imposed by a remote control would be subject to "Governor" and his entourage of "international public officials." These proposed minister of church and state should be neither a citizen of Israel or Palestine. Look at these seats will be filled with dormantMonarchs of Europe (Part III. City of Jerusalem).
The counterfeit marks this Bible "King of Kings", as the animal! (Rev.13: 18, 17-12). The real European "governor" (funded by the pope, the Vatican approved and stamped with the German brand) - a Merovingian anointed Messiah - is a wicked war against all the odds in wages! This modern, Antiochus Epiphanes ("God in the flesh") will hit the "time of Jacob's trouble" and unleash the "great tribulation" ofWorld War III!
This project of the animal is placed in front of our eyes, but take very little seriously - at first. Many ridiculed the idea of a threat from the fortress of Europe and most likely will not wake up until it's too late!
Normally, liberal Jews against any division of Jerusalem. But these are not normal times! Some Jews prophesied to sell their people and country! Why? They are the big lie of Europe to fall "peace and security." Meanwhile, Europe's lureKapo as a compromise and appeasement, stroking their egos with political attention, promising them a place in the "New Jerusalem" while setting Israel for a fall.
However, other Jews might be deceived by this false messiah, a governor of Germany, the "Great King" claimed descent from the Royal House of David. After all, is not a descendant of King David is destined to prevail? Yes - but according to the Torah, the Bible - not as a bloody sword and servant of the Catholic Church! AReveal, the great God of the Bible promises to call two witnesses - the bold spirit of Elijah - false witness against the empire in Europe and set it for what it is: A LIE FROM HELL!
The Damned United Nations Resolution 181 laid the foundation for the fulfillment of many prophecies! It extends to include the brand of the crusader kingdom of the boundaries of 100 square miles around Jerusalem. We expect that this area is flooded with peacekeeping troops - "an army ofPeace. "The Bible calls the bluff of the animals, the buffer zone, warning signs, attacking Jerusalem (Luke 21:20).
We should see a series of events - from Germany and the Jesuits manipulated (Control Europe) - European for a ride! The theater of war, Jerusalem is now being prepared in Germany and the Vatican launched a bloody state "Palestine"! They plan to wipe Israel off the map because of the name of God! (Psalm 83).
This evil cabal EU knows very wellthat this state of chaos and confusion leads to destabilization of the region! This is exactly what they want! Europe is in a mentoring program in his white horse as the Savior - disguised as "peacekeepers" to prevent, by World War III. Will dive into the scene and present themselves as a "mediator" to stop the madness. However, his white horse, a Trojan horse that downloads also betray Arabs and Jews!
So the Europeans are loaded into the Middle East is an invitation for disaster! Their blood is red when the white horseJerusalem tramples the savage beast! Crusade in Europe by force to impose its German brand, the Vatican's false vision of peace in the Middle East! Fatima is madness engulf the world with nuclear fire! The puppets of the cult of Mary (wolves in sheep) will be held responsible for a holocaust! The two witnesses will be held on the status of Jerusalem, before a world court to judge them! (Micah 6:2).
European combine - driven by Germany - is approaching the thresholdNations! You have to be satisfied on a mission to their wicked false religion. The zealous hypocritical and misleading hard against anyone who dares to their heresy and hypocrisy to oppose it. Ironically, Jerusalem is the dish that eventually will blow away (Micah 4:12). The real Jesus (Jesus in Hebrew) the story of the chaff will soon be Catholic! The God of Israel, they criticize the holy mountain, the Temple Mount - and take the beast and the false prophet from their necks Scruffsand throw them into the lake of fire! (Dan. 2:35). The Holy One of Israel to purify the earth of its evil presence and its Roman occupation to liberate Jerusalem (Malachi 3:3).
Up to this wonderful celebration, which will be null and void any agreement asinine traitors and treated, announced by the two witnesses: Jerusalem area "is a corpus separatum (separate body) to be established a special international regime administered by the United Nations." In otherWords, the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem has been restored. With royal families of Europe, starting from the house of David Hail! You must be ripped up and stolen the heart of Israel (Jerusalem) for their occult purposes. Have taken the coveted jewel in the crown (the Temple Mount) to assemble and decorate their disappointment their offensive!
The accursed UN Resolution 181 allows you to "Governor" of Jerusalem, which is exposed as the Beast, by emergency legislation to take in the event of a threat, real orimagine how he deems necessary. How convenient. All you have to do is a crisis. This sets the stage for the Crusader King of Jerusalem, to be a dictator.
That dictator is free to be a hand bone measures (§ 4) can break: In order to maintain law and order in the city, with a focus on the sacred site of the governor "to organize a special force of police, whose members are outside Palestine (European rapid deployment force) were recruited. The governor isauthorized (to spend, what it is) necessary for the maintenance of this force. "
Jerusalem Governor-dictator can make or break your own rules! In essence, under the guise of security / protection clause, a serious vulnerability, may be the governor, a virtual dictator, his administration if you feel danger or threat, not bills, which he described as incompatible with his sense of paranoia Safety appeal to veto. He has the powers of darkness, the kingdoms of this world offered by the exercise. his "special powers of the Governor in relation to the holy sites of the city and in every part of Palestine, the protection of sacred places of the city of Jerusalem is to be a particular concern of the governor, the governor is authorized to determine the decision on the basis of In the case of existing rights (religious) disputes by an advisory committee composed of representatives of different faiths (or not!) can be supported. "
In other words, the Governor-Dictator - in hisHe can do whatever they want, when and where ever he wants, not only in Jerusalem but in the Holy Land, with particular attention to matters of religion and sacred places - Hour of Darkness! The devil remains concentrated, if the people to do God: He knows the importance of the great and holy Jerusalem, God and his prophets. Jerusalem is the epitome of a "peace process". It takes the signature of God himself. Satan has fought for the throne of God to use and is now in heaven after his place on earth: JerusalemThe Temple Mount!
The Governor-Dictator Jerusalem will be closely monitored and the freedom of religion and freedom of access: UN Resolution 181, Chapter 2: exhibition of religious and minority rights (1) that "freedom of conscience and free exercise of all forms of worship, subject only to the maintenance of public order and morals, are ensured for all "- in other words, if militant Muslims threaten to riot or war, when Christian Zionists or Jews finally free to worship at theTemple Mount, such as religious freedom - for "public order" will be rejected! The victim (starting soon) will be stopped by force!
The governor of the brute-force, his government out of hell, should last for an initial test of 10 years. (The Nazi Reich lasted twelve). History warns that "absolute power corrupts absolutely." Who is so foolish as to believe that someone would be with such far-reaching powers to abandon self-control? The march of folly not to stop the Nazi'sthemselves, especially if Jerusalem can declare a state of emergency dictator and slam the door shut for dissent, case closed fate sealed. The Bible reveals that the worst will last three and a half years, during which some will receive shelter from a storm, a safe haven from the Holocaust (Isaiah 26:20, Revelation 12:14).
The two witnesses will be immunity divine (God's protection program witness during the three and a half years), in order to show the dark in no uncertain termsSecrets that are hidden in the Vatican behide Veil (Isaiah 47). They will speak the pure truth, a sincere message with miracles, and God to kill her (Revelation 11:7) to afford. God will not allow anyone to touch - his anointed - if not called after ample opportunity to present their case before the nations (Psalm 105:15). Then, after three and a half days, I returned with a vengeance! Their shocking resurrection, mortal life in the eyes of a captive audience who have seentheir departure for the chosen few (waiting in the wings of the forest), for the imminent coming of our King to join - the true Jesus Christ (Revelation 11:11).
In summary, the animal-beast and the false prophet (Elijah to promote a false and the false messiah induct / governor) will soon be in the foreground. However, the two witnesses to the attention of these mortal men shine and put the hood of God (Revelation 13:18) "the king is naked".
UN Resolution 181is the project of the animals! Carries out his evil intentions, as Hitler's Mein Kampf to be exposed to the whole world is moving to read and listen - if only they had. And 'Final Solution in Europe to Jerusalem, Israel and the Middle East.
Germany and the Vatican for a kick ass offense was "Palestinian", because they know the major issues facing the Great Rift, enter the "Great King" Jerualem when both parties for its internal use and possession of it, they want ride the wave ofState "Palestinian" with the Vatican coat of arms. You can use this resolution as a pretext for the violation and to consolidate their power. Then they are released too quickly with him (with dictatorial powers seized) and gave birth to their poisonous fangs ugly!
The Beast-dictator will overwhelm the whole of humanity, but the goal Anglo-Saxon people of Israel and Jews the scapegoats for his wrath to bear. Its nuclear scourge and crucify our position will be beheaded, "leader of the free world." This mystical "Governor" of Jerusalemevoked Kingdom (called from the depths of Catholic history) is a new Crusade in Europe with a command unimaginable fury. His outrageous hatred, hostility, primitive and barbaric blood lust will shock even tired. The dark forces of the animals know that this is their last chance, the last lap, before the coming of the heavenly King of the Jews, the Holy One of Israel.
The two witnesses will soon rise and shine in a world of darkness (Isaiah 60:1). These two prophets - one in spirit andThe aim in the spirit of Elijah - will pave the way for the genius of our God-King down from heaven, not from Europe or the earth (Dan. 7:13). The two witnesses will be the precursor of the legitimate heir to the throne of King David in Jerusalem, the Bastard of Babylon will be destroyed! The plan of the animal is the awful history and the Torah shows us how to worship at the Royal "house of prayer for all peoples."